
About Us

Covid Suchana is a virtual platform created to serve as a repository of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) related resources easily accessible to the public. This platform will provide the information about existing information developed by Nepal Government,World Health Organization, UN agencies and Other I/NGos on COVID-19 prevention and available services for women and marginalized groups. 

We will share the materials developed by the selected agencies working on gender responsive humanitarian response to COVID-19. 
This virtual platform is developed by The Story Kitchen(TSK) in collaboration with Antenna Foundation Nepal(NDWA)l, Nepal Disabled Women’s Association(NDWA) and Centre for Disaster Management Studies (CDMS)/ Women Humanitarian and DRR Platform (WHDRRP) Nepal with support from UN Women Nepal.

  • UN-Women-logo
  • AFN-logo
  • NDWA-logo
  • CDMS-logo
  • TSK-logo


Covid Suchana is a virtual platform created to serve as a repository of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) related resources easily accessible to the public. This platform will provide the information about existing information developed by Nepal Government,World Health Organization, UN agencies and Other I/NGos on COVID-19 prevention and available services for women and marginalized groups.

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